Trezor® Suite® -

Trezor Suite App. Navigating Trezor Suite Features. A Holistic Cryptocurrency Management Platform. Discover the holistic approach of Trezor Suite in managing your cryptocurrency portfolio. Explore fea

1 How to Access Advanced Tools in Trezor Suite

2.1 Launch Trezor Suite

Open Trezor Suite on your computer and connect your Trezor hardware wallet.

2.2 Navigate to Advanced Tools

Once logged in, navigate to the "Advanced Tools" section of Trezor Suite. Here, you'll find options for coin staking, coin splitting, and multi-signature transactions.

2.3 Follow On-Screen Instructions

Select the desired advanced tool and follow the on-screen instructions provided by Trezor Suite. Depending on the tool selected, you may need to confirm transactions on your Trezor device or perform additional steps to complete the process.

2 Security Considerations

3.1 Keep Your Recovery Seed Secure

When using advanced tools in Trezor Suite, ensure that you have your recovery seed stored securely. These tools may involve more complex transactions, so having your recovery seed on hand is essential for recovering your funds in case of loss or theft.

3.2 Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

For added security, enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your Trezor device and Trezor Suite account. This provides an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access to your digital assets.


Trezor Suite offers advanced tools for managing your digital assets securely. By leveraging features such as coin staking, coin splitting, and multi-signature transactions, you can enhance the security and flexibility of your cryptocurrency holdings. Remember to always prioritize security and follow best practices when using advanced tools in Trezor Suite. Happy asset management!

Last updated